from Carolyn, Bob & Charles (and Midnite the cat)

Please share a fond memory (or two!) of Steve and Jocelyne which occurred at any time in the last 50 years!

Back in 1979, Aunt Dodo took Kathy and myself (Carolyn) on the train to visit Jocelyne and Steve in Montreal. Kathy was 16 and I was 13. We were very excited as it was our first real trip away from home. We arrived in Montreal and hailed a cab for the ride to our cousins’. It was the cab ride from hell! I thought we were going to die. The cabbie drove like a maniac. I didn’t think we were going to make it! I remember Dodo calmly saying ”that’s how people drive in Montreal”, like it was totally normal. No wonder Dode never drove! We had a wonderful visit and thankfully Steve and Joce drove us to the train station when our trip was over.